352-0 Plaintiff’s Statement of Undisputed Fact in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment RE: Elders are Agents of Joint Enterprise

352-0 Plaintiff's Statement of Undisputed Fact

April 12th, 2024

Note that most exhibits are presented as exhibits earlier in this case and are available on this site, except for confidential exhibits.

Full docket text for document 352:
Statement of Undisputed Fact re: [350] MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment RE: HARDIN ELDERS ARE AGENTS OF A JOINT ENTERPRISE BETWEEN WTNY & WTPA by Tracy Caekaert, Camillia Mapley filed by Tracy Caekaert, Camillia Mapley. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit EX A 003174-003233 1970 Yearbook of Jehovahs Witnesses, # (2) Exhibit EX B CONFDIENTIAL Excerpts from 2024-03-07 Depo. Transcript WTPA 30(b)(6) – Devine, # (3) Exhibit EX C WTNY000001-000013 WTNY Corporate Charter, # (4) Exhibit EX D WTPA066546-WTPA066580 WTPA Corporate Charter, # (5) Exhibit EX E 001818-002081 1977-12-15 Branch Organization, # (6) Exhibit EX F WTNY’s Answer to Interrogatory No. 15, # (7) Exhibit EX G WTPA058769-WTPA059160 1980 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses, # (8) Exhibit EX H WTPA033861-WTPA034084 1989 Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry, # (9) Exhibit EX I 004018-004019 1973-1992 Comparison of WTPA & WTNY Corp. Officers to GB Members, # (10) Exhibit EX J WTNY Ans. to Interrogatory No. 23 & WTPA’s Ans. to Interrogatory No. 16, # (11) Exhibit EX K CONFIDENTIAL Excerpts from 2024-03-07 Depo. Transcript WTPA 30(b)(6) – Moreno, # (12) Exhibit EX L CONFIDENTIAL WTNY002301-002382 Excerpts from 2014-04-01 Transcript of Depo of Mario Moreno (Lopez), # (13) Exhibit EX M CONFIDENTIAL WTNY002521-002644 Excerpts from 2012-02-15 Transcript of Depo of Allen Shuster (Doe – Conti), # (14) Exhibit EX N 006623-006628 2006-09-29 Dec. of Moreno in Supp. of Opp. to Mt. to Compel Depos re WT Legal Dept, # (15) Exhibit EX O CONFIDENTIAL WTNY000941-WTNY000942 2015-03-20 Aff. of Brumley (Doe TX), # (16) Exhibit EX P Doc. 14-1 Affidavit of Philip Brumley, # (17) Exhibit EX Q 2023-01-08 Yonce Expert Report, # (18) Exhibit EX R Excerpts from 2023-08-11 Depo. Transcript B. Lovett, # (19) Exhibit EX S Excerpts from 2023-07-11 Depo. Transcript Thomas Meyers, # (20) Exhibit EX T Hardin Congregation Appointments, # (21) Exhibit EX U 007276-007281 2015-03-06 Affidavit of Hernan Steele, # (22) Exhibit EX V CONFDIENTIAL Excerpts from WTNY002174-002247 2014-03-31 Transcript of Depo of Richard Ashe Vol. I (Lopez), # (23) Exhibit EX W CONFDIENTIAL Excerpts from WTNY002248-002300 2014-04-01 Transcript of Depo of Richard Ashe Vol. II (Lopez), # (24) Exhibit EX X WTPA066316-WTPA066380 1949 Counsel on Theocratic Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses, # (25) Exhibit EX Y 000484-000623 1972-10 Kingdom Ministry School Course, # (26) Exhibit EX Z 000624-000723 1977-09 Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock, # (27) Exhibit EX AA 000756-000819 1981-09 Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock, # (28) Exhibit EX BB WTPA000137-WTPA000292 1991 Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock, # (29) Exhibit EX CC 002782-002787 1989-07-01 Ltr. to Body of Elders re Child Abuse, # (30) Exhibit EX DD WTPA028731-WTPA028954 1983 Organized to Accomplish our Ministry, # (31) Exhibit EX EE CONFIDENTIAL Excerpts from 2024-03-08 Depo. Transcript WTNY 30(b)(6) – Jefferson, Jr., # (32) Exhibit EX FF CONFIDENTIAL Excerpts from 2024-03-08 Depo. Transcript WTNY 30(b)(6) – Moreno, # (33) Exhibit EX GG 008130-008135 Corrected Copyright – Publisher Comparison, # (34) Exhibit EX HH Excerpts from 2024-01-10 Depo. Transcript Hardin 30(b)(6), # (35) Exhibit EX II Excerpts from 2023-07-12 Depo. Transcript Delbert Hiebert, # (36) Exhibit EX JJ Excerpts from 2021-04-23 Depo. Transcript James Rowland) (Shaffer, Ryan)

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Categories: Caekaert v. Watchtower
Tags: Caekaert v. Watchtower
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JWCA Document Number: 352.0
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