
26-0 District Court Case Documents Submitted

December 13th, 2023

Submitted (ECF) supplemental excerpts of record.


(14 bundles of documents submitted from underlying cases in the District Court)

Submitted by Appellees Tracy Caekaert and Camillia Mapley in 23-35329, Appellees Ariane Rowland and Jamie Schulze in 23-35330.

Date of service: 12/13/2023. [12837188] [23-35329, 23-35330] (Shaffer, Ryan) [Entered: 12/13/2023 03:39 PM]

File Type: pdf
Categories: Philip Brumley Sanctions Appeal
Tags: Philip Brumley, Philip Brumley Sanctions Appeal
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
JWCA Document Number: 26.0
Downloads: 3

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